Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Asher has a new favorite food

We have had so many problems with Asher eating. It's just so wonderful to see him chowing down on something, even if it is cheese pizza! Just to update everyone...we did end up taking Asher to a pediatric gastro-intestinal specialist. He said that some babies develop allergies in their esophagus that make them not want to swallow food, but in these instances the babies would still show signs of wanting to eat, chewing, etc. - which Asher does. We decided to wait on having a scope of his esophagus performed until we get back to the States (although its not looking like we'll need to do that any longer.)

In addition, at Asher's one year check-up, he was in the 60th percentile for height and the 35th percentile for weight.